Kuala Lumpur, 8 November 2022 – Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) is committed to enhance its digital customer experience through its website which now serves as a one-stop centre that hosts all access points to AKPK’s services, resources and information.
Since its establishment in 2006, AKPK has provided financial advisory to more than a million Malaysians in guiding them towards making sound financial decisions, while as many as 400,000 of them have further enrolled in AKPK’s Debt Management Programme (DMP) for debt restructuring.
In 2011, AKPK began to play an important role as the lead agency in spearheading financial education initiatives that target adult consumers, as stipulated in the Financial Sector Blueprint (2011-2020).
In 2019, AKPK was appointed as one of the members of the Financial Education Network (FEN) which is part of the Malaysia National Strategy for Financial Literacy (2019-2023), to elevate the financial literacy of Malaysians and to promote responsible behaviour and rational attitudes. FEN is spearheaded by Bank Negara Malaysia and Securities Commission Malaysia.
Beginning in 2020, AKPK’s mandate has also expanded to serving Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) as well.
AKPK’s CEO, Azaddin Ngah Tasir, explained that AKPK is part of the ecosystem to elevate the financial well-being of households and businesses. In addition to the well-established debt restructuring programme, AKPK is also very instrumental in providing financial education as a pre-emptive measure for Malaysians to build financial resilience.
Azaddin added, “In carrying out our major role in rejuvenating Malaysians’ financial resilience, we have worked on making ourselves a trusted financial partner through all our contact points with the customers so that people would come to us readily, whenever they need peace of mind on money matters.
For this purpose, we intend to be highly accessible at any time and anywhere for our customers. And this can only be made possible through digital technology.”
AKPK’s website is part of this strategic vision which now provides easy round-the-clock access to all of AKPK’s offerings, even on mobile devices. It is designed to provide easy-to- find information for the public and convenient dashboards for existing customers to manage multiple AKPK’s services—all at one time and from one site.
As an important branding mechanism that will put and keep AKPK in the minds of households and SMEs, individuals from the household and SME sectors will be able to find guidance and solutions from the website easily for any financial management issues. They include tools that can help individuals better manage their finances including business finances such as AKPK’s online bookkeeping toolkit for small businesses.
AKPK’s aim of having an appealing and functional website is to have visitors habitually search for information, learning and support. This would assist AKPK’s efforts in getting more individuals to adopt good values and money habits, take pre-emptive measures, and seek help and advice, immediately upon the early signs of financial distress. This correct financial behaviour helps to avoid over-indebtedness that could lead to major issues including bankruptcy and serves as a foundation towards creating a financial-savvy society.
Members of the public can visit the website at akpk.org.my for information, guidance and solutions to all of their financial management needs.